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What is a hybrid crypto exchange?

Hybrid crypto exchanges (HEX = Hybrid Exchange) address the issues of centralized and decentralized exchanges. They mainly focus on the usability and liquidity of CEX platforms, as well as the anonymity and protection of DEX platforms. Users can trade on centralized as well as the decentralized crypto platform

What is a crypto exchange software development company?

Cryptocurrency exchange software development companies provide crypto exchange software for helping users buy/sell digital assets and cryptos. The software offers a crypto exchange platform, which further enables the process of fast and secure transactions. Users can get the cryptocurrency exchanged into a currency type of their choice.

What is the cryptobridge exchange?

The CryptoBridge exchange was founded in 2017 in the United States of America. For the period of 2018, the trade turnover per day is more than $ 1.100.000. The most active trading pairs by volume for RVN are $ 243,000 GIN $ 96,000 SPD $ 79,000.

Are there any crypto exchanges based in the UK?

Crypto exchanges based in the UK have the advantage of being closer to their UK users and respond to their queries more promptly. However, we decided to include two international exchanges that offer great trading options for UK residents too.

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